
发布人:日期:2024年01月16日 17:01浏览数:



2007.09-2011.06  厦门大学数学科学学院    本科

2011.09-2016.06  厦门大学数学科学学院    博士


2016.09-2019.01 华南理工大学必威西汉姆体育官网                  博士后

2019.01-2023.12    必威官方登录首页      讲师






1.  国家自然科学基金青年基金,2018-2020,主持,已结题。

2.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024-2027,主持,在研。


1. F. Kong, Quantization of parafermion vertex algebras, arXiv:2310.03571.

2. N. Jing, F. Kong, H. Li and S. Tan, Twisted quantum affine algebras and equivariant ϕ-coordinated modules for quantum vertex algebras, arXiv:2212.01895.

3. N. Jing, F. Kong, H. Li and S. Tan, Deforming vertex algebras by vertex bialgebras, Comm. Contemp. Math. 26 (2024), 2250067.

4. F. Kong, Quantum affine vertex algebras associated to untwisted quantum affinization algebras, Comm. Math. Phys. 402 (2023), 2577-2625.

5. F. Chen, N. Jing, F. Kong and S. Tan, Twisted quantum affinizations and quantization of extended affine Lie algebras, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 376 (2023), 969-1039.

6. F. Chen, N. Jing, F. Kong and S. Tan, On quantum toroidal algebra of type A_1, J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 226 (2022), 106814.

7. N. Jing, F. Kong, H. Li and S. Tan, (G,χ_ϕ)-equivariant ϕ-coordinated quasi modules for nonlocal vertex algebras, J. Algebra. 570 (2021), 24-74.

8. F. Chen, N. Jing, F. Kong and S. Tan, Twisted toroidal Lie algebras and Moody-Rao-Yokonuma presentation, Sci. China Math. 64 (2021), 1181–1200.

9. F. Chen, N. Jing, F. Kong and S. Tan, Drinfeld-type presentations of loop algebras, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 373 (2020), 7713-7753.

10. F. Chen, N. Jing, F. Kong and S. Tan, Twisted quantum affinizations and their vertex representations, J. Math. Phys. 59 (2018), 081701.

11. F. Kong, H. Li, S. Tan and Q. Wang, Twisted modules for toroidal vertex algebras, J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 220 (2016), 1681-1706.

12. F. Kong, H. Li, S. Tan and Q. Wang, Simple toroidal vertex algebras and their irreducible modules, J. Algebra. 440 (2015), 246-316.




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