
发布人:日期:2024年04月09日 16:47浏览数:



1993.09-1997.06 西汉姆联必威登录 数学教育专业 本科

1997.09-2000.06 西汉姆联必威登录 概率统计专业 硕士

2006.09-2009.12 西汉姆联必威登录 概率统计专业 博士


2000.07-2002.07 西汉姆联必威登录 助教

2002.07-2007.07 西汉姆联必威登录 讲师

2007.07-2012.07 西汉姆联必威登录 副教授

2012.07-至 今  西汉姆联必威登录 教授

2008.02-2008.03 英国Warwick大学 访问学者

2013.10-2014.10 英国Warwick大学 访问学者






1.  国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于神经影像脑连接组大数据的脑疾病研究,120711242021-2024

2.  国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于多尺度多模态脑影像数据的融合研究,116711292017-2020

3.  国家自然科学基金面上项目:新型统计计算方法在医学影像数据分析中的应用,112711212013-2016

4.  国家自然科学基金青年基金:基于生物数据的基因网络和生物神经网络的结构研究,109010492010-2012

5.  湖南省杰出青年基金:精神分裂症脑影像数据的多尺度综合分析,2015JJ10102015-2017

6.  湖南省高校重点实验室:应用统计与数据科学,2020-2022

7.  湖南省高校创新平台开放基金项目:生物数据分析的新型数学计算方法的研究,11K0382011-2013


1. Mao SJ, Huang X, Chen RJ, Zhang CY, Diao YZ, Li ZJ, Wang Q, Tang S, Guo SX*. (2024) STW-MD: A Novel Spatio-Temporal Dynamic Weighting and Multi-Step Decision Tree method for Analyzing Brain Gene Expression Data, Briefings in Bioinformatics. 25(2): bbae051.

2. Zheng CC, Zhao W, Yang ZY, Tang DE, Feng MY, Guo SX*. (2024) Resolving heterogeneity in Alzheimer's disease based on individualized structural covariance network, Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 129: 110873.

3. Xiao HR, Tang DE, Zheng CC, Yang ZY, Zhao W, Guo SX*. (2024) Atypical dynamic network reconfiguration and genetic mechanisms in patients with major depressive depression, Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 132: 110957.

4. Zheng CC, Zhao W, Yang ZY, Guo SX*. (2023) Functional connectome hierarchy dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease and its relationship with cognition and gene expression profiling, Journal of Neuroscience Research. 102(1): e25280.

5. Yang ZY, Zhao W, Linli ZQ, Guo SX*, Feng JF. (2023) Associations between polygenic risk scores and accelerated brain ageing in smokers, Psychological Medicine, 53(16):7785-7794.

6. Li QQ, Zhao W, Palaniyappan L, Guo SX*. (2023) Atypical hemispheric lateralization of brain function and structure in autism: a comprehensive meta-analysis study, Psychological Medicine, 53(14): 6702-6713.

7. Sheng D, Pu WD, Linli ZQ, Tian GL, Guo SX*, Fei Y. (2023) Aberrant global and local dynamic properties in Schizophrenia with instantaneous phase method based on Hilbert Transform, Psychological Medicine, 53(5):2125-2135.

8. Linli ZQ, Rolls ET, Zhao W, Kang JJ, Feng JF, Guo SX*. (2023) Smoking is associated with lower brain volume and cognitive differences: A large population analysis based on the UK Biobank, Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 123:110698.

9. Linli ZQ, Feng JF, Zhao W, Guo SX*. (2022) Associations between smoking and accelerated brain ageing, Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 113:110471.

10. He NN, Palaniyappan L, Linli ZQ, Guo SX*. (2022) Abnormal hemispheric asymmetry of both brain function and structure in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a meta-analysis of individual participant data, Brain Imaging and Behavior, 16: 54-68.

11. Chen YY, Linli ZQ, Lei Y, Yang Y, Liu Z, Xia Y, Liang Y, Zhu H, Guo SX*. (2021) Risk Factors for Mortality in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19 in Huanggang, China: A Single-Centre Multivariate Pattern Analysis. Journal of Medical Virology. 93: 2046-2055.

12. Linli ZQ, Chen YY, Tian GL, Guo SX*, Fei Y. (2021) Identifying and Quantifying Risk Factor for Mortality in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19 by Using Quantile Regression and Logistic Regression, American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 45: 345-351.

13. Linli ZQ, Huang XJ, Liu ZN, Guo SX*. (2021) Sariah A, A multivariate pattern analysis of resting-state functional MRI data in Naïve and chronic betel quid chewers, Brain imaging and Behavior, 15:1222-1234.

14. Zhao W, Guo SX*, Linli ZQ, Yang AC, Lin CP, Tsai SJ. (2020) Functional, Anatomical, and Morphological Networks Highlight the Role of Basal Ganglia–Thalamus–Cortex Circuits in Schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Bulletins, 46 (2), 422-431.

15. Guo SX, He NN, Liu ZN, Linli ZQ, Tao HJ, Palaniyappan L. (2020) Brain-wide Functional Dysconnectivity in Schizophrenia: Parsing diathesis, resilience and the effects of clinical expression, Canadian journal of psychiatry-revue canadienne de psychiatrie, 65 (1), 21-29.

16. He NN, Rolls ET, Zhao W, Guo SX*. (2020) Predicting human cognitive inhibition from brain structural MRI, Brain imaging and Behavior, 14:2148-2158.

17. Guo SX, Zhao W, Tao HJ, Liu ZN, Palaniyappan L. (2018) The instability of functional connectivity in patients with schizophrenia and their siblings: a dynamic connectivity study. Schizophrenia Research. 195(5): 183-189.

18. Zhao W, Guo SX*, He NN, Yang AC, Lin CP, Tsai SJ. (2018) Callosal and subcortical white matter alterations in schizophrenia: a diffusion tensor imaging study at multiple levels, Neuroimage: clinical. 20: 694-602.

19. Guo SX, Palaniyappan L, Liddle FP, Feng JF. (2016) Dynamic Cerebral Reorganisation in the Pathophysiology of Schizophrenia: A MRI derived Cortical Thickness Study. Psychological Medicine. 46(10): 2201-2214.

20. Guo SX, Iwabuchi S, Balain V, Feng JF, Liddle FP, Palaniyappan L. (2015) Cortical folding and the potential for prognostic neuroimaging in schizophrenia, The British Journal of Psychiatry, 1-2.

21. Guo SX, Kendrick KM, Yu RJ, Feng JF (2014) Key functional circuitry altered in schizophrenia involves parietal regions associated with sense of self, Human Brain Mapping. 35:123-139.

22. Guo SX, Palaniyappan L, Yang B, Liu ZN, Xue ZM, Feng JF. (2014) Anatomical distance affects functional connectivity in patients with schizophrenia and their siblings, Schizophrenia Bulletins, 40 (2): 449-459.

23. Pu WD, Rolls E, Guo SX, Liu HH, Yu Y, Xue ZM, Feng JF, Liu ZN. (2014) Altered functional connectivity links in neuroleptic-naïve and neuroleptic-treated patients with schizophrenia, and their relation to symptoms including volition, Neuroimage: Clinical. (2014) 6: 463-474.

24. Cao LL, Guo SX, Xue ZM, Hu Y etc. (2014) Aberrant functional connectivity for diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder: A discriminant analysis, Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, (68)2:110-119.

25. Guo SX, Yu Y, Zhang J, Feng JF (2013) A reversal coarse-grained analysis with application to an altered functional circuit in depression, Brain and Behavior, (2013) (3) 6: 637-648.

26. Guo SX, Kendrick KM, Zhang J, Broome M, Yu RJ, Liu ZN, Feng JF (2013) Brain-wide functional inter-hemispheric disconnection is a potential biomarker for schizophrenia and distinguishes it from depression, Neuroimage: Clinical. (2):818-826.

27. Tao HJa, Guo SXa, Ge T, Xue ZM, Liu ZN, Feng JF (2013) Depression Uncouples Brain Hate Circuit, Molecular Psychiatry, 18:101-111.

28. Guo SX, Ladroue C, Feng JF (2010) Granger Causality: Theory and Applications, computational biology, 15:83-111.

29. Zou CL, Ladroue C, Guo SX, Feng JF. (2010) Identifying interactions in the time and frequency domains in local and global networks - A Granger Causality Approach, BMC Bioinformatics, 11:337.

30. Ladroue Ca, Guo SXa, Kendrick K, Feng J (2009) Beyond Element-Wise Interactions: Identifying Complex Interactions in Biological Processes. PLoS ONE 4(9): e6899.

31. Guo SX, A. Seth, K. Kendrick, Feng JF. (2008) Partial Granger causality: eliminating exogenous inputs and latent variables, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 172:79-93.

32. Guo SX, Wu J.H., Ding MZ, Feng JF. (2008) Uncovering interactions in frequency domains, PLoS Computational Biology 4(5): e1000087.






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