
分析系列报告(2023/10/25 19:00-21:00,报告人:余月力 、史汝西 )

发布人:日期:2023年10月25日 11:29浏览数:



报告题目(一): On the largest partial quotient and uniform Diophantine approximation

报告人:余月力 副教授(武汉大学)

摘要We consider the sets of $x$ defined by some growth rate of the largest partial quotient in the continued fraction expansions of $x$. This set can also be defined by a uniform Diophantine approximation of the Gauss map. We extend some known results about the uniform approximation of the beta transformation.

报告人简介:余月力,武汉大学必威西汉姆体育官网副教授。主要从事分形几何与度量数论的研究,主持或参与多项国家自然科学基金,在NonlinearityJ.Number Theory Finite Fields Appl.等国际知名期刊发表论文20余篇。

报告题目(二)Multiplicity of topological dynamical systems

报告人:史汝西 博士(法国索邦大学)

摘要For a topological dynamical system, we introduce the concept of topological multiplicity. In this talk, I will present its definition and several properties of topological systems with finite multiplicity. I will also discuss several examples to illustrate this concept. If time permits, I will talk about the multiplicity of subshifts with linear growth complexity. Some open problems related to this topic will be discussed during the talk. This is a joint work with David Burguet.

报告人简介: 史汝西,2018年于法国亚眠大学(Universite de Picardie)获得博士学位,先后在芬兰奥卢大学、波兰科学院、法国索邦大学做博士后。主要从事拓扑动力系统与遍历理论的研究,在Math.Ann., Adv.Math.TAMS等国际知名期刊发表论文20余篇。

上一条:代数、数论与几何团队系列报告(2023/11/3 10:00–11:00,报告人:王定康)

下一条:微分方程与动力系统系列报告(2023/10/18 8:50- 报告人:吴事良)

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